Sunday, 30 September 2018

Popular Design News of the Week: September 24, 2018 – September 30, 2018

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. 

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that were posted, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our newsletter and follow the site daily for all the news.

16 CSS Border Animations


DebugBear – Front-end Code Monitoring


Scheme Color – The Quick, Simple and Easiest Way to Browse Color Schemes


Framer X is Awesome, but it’s not Ready


Stop Using Select Menus for Known User Input


Reviewed: New Name and Logo for Dunkin’


New Ghostery Browser for Android


Preparing for Better Typography in Augmented Reality


A Lightbulb is not an Idea!


7 Bad Graphic Design Habits to Lose


Design Thinking is Fundamentally Conservative and Preserves the Status Quo


Stress Testing your Designs so that They are Flexible


Torch: The Design Platform for Augmented Reality


Manyverse – A Social Network Off the Grid


Infographic: How to Prioritize Projects so You Meet Every Deadline


How to Use Instagram Stories for Marketing (And Why You Should)


Linux Developers Threaten to Pull “kill Switch”


Pride and Prejudice and Personas


10 Inspiring Cities for Designers


8 Foolproof Font Combinations for Non-Designers


The Future of Design


Re-Approaching Color


Vivaldi Browser V2.0 Released


ColorBox by Lyft Design Reset


Case Study: Louis Ansa Portfolio 2018


Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.

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from Webdesigner Depot

Friday, 28 September 2018

The Freelancer’s Guide to Paying Tax

When you take the leap into freelancing and self-employment, it’s really exciting at the start. Eventually, the honeymoon phase wears off and you comfortably adjust to life as a freelancer, which, in all honesty, is a really great deal.

You get to run your design business the way you want. Work with clients you like. Make as much money as your schedule allows for. Live and work from anywhere in the world (and move as frequently as you want!) This business is yours to shape and mold into whatever you want it to be and to support whatever sort of lifestyle you want to lead outside of it.

That said, while the structure of the business may fully be under your control, the income you make from it is not.

Every country holds its residents accountable for paying taxes. When you have an employer, they typically handle this for you. However, since you’re self-employed, the responsibility lies solely with you—which is no easy feat. In the following post, I’d like to first take a look at freelancer’s biggest concerns when it comes to taxation. Then, we can dig into best practices for managing and paying your taxes on time.

Biggest Concerns About Wages & Taxes

In a survey provided by QuickBooks Self-Employed, I discovered some frightening statistics regarding freelancers and taxation. The survey was conducted earlier this year and focused on the experiences of self-employed individuals in the U.S. Since tax code differs from country to country, I’m going to focus on the points most relevant to freelancers everywhere:

Top Tax-Related Challenges for Freelancers

  • 30%: preparing tax forms correctly;
  • 30%: keeping track of tax-related information;
  • 23%: estimating tax payments;
  • 20%: saving money to pay taxes;
  • 17%: knowing what to deduct to reduce overall tax burden.

Most Common Reasons Freelancers Miss Tax Payments

  • 42%: incorrectly estimated tax payments due and came up short at the deadline;
  • 30%: didn’t make enough to pay off taxes in full;
  • 16%: were unaware they had to pay taxes;
  • 16%: forgot to pay their taxes;
  • 10%: were unaware of how to pay for their taxes.

Reasons Why 36% of Freelancers Don’t Pay Their Taxes

  • 9%: there was no reason for the failure to pay, they just didn’t do it;
  • 17%: didn’t make enough to owe anything;
  • 10%: business losses exceeded profits and so they didn’t owe taxes.

As you can see, there’s a lot going on here. Many freelancers worry about preparing tax payments correctly (which is a valid concern) while others simply don’t know they have to make them. Then there are the 32% of freelancers who choose not to report all of their income to the government.

Rather than be confused or misinformed about what taxes mean for your business, or improperly handle your taxes and put your business in danger as a result, let’s talk best practices.

Best Practices for Managing Your Taxes Throughout the Year

If you want to enjoy the rewards of running your own business and making money from said business, then you need to reduce any concerns or confusion you have around taxes. You can do that by becoming more mindful of these best practices when managing taxes:

1. Figure Out Who You Owe Taxes To

This will be different based on where you live as well as where your home country is (if different). Here are some things to consider:

  • In some countries, you have to pay a federal (national) tax as well as a state (regional) tax;
  • Goods and services taxes (also referred to as GST and VAT) come into play in some countries;
  • Different business structures are taxed at different rates as well;
  • If you work abroad, be sure to brush up on the rules for taxation. You can usually find these under a “taxes for expats” search. (This is especially important so that you don’t get doubly taxed by your home country and country of residence.)

2. Watch Your Income and Expenses

One of the reasons freelancers struggled to make tax payments on time, according to the QuickBooks survey, was because they hadn’t calculated estimates correctly. Now, that’s likely to happen anyway, but it usually works in favor of the freelancer… unless the error is because you made more money than expected.

To avoid this problem, pay closer attention to your income. Download reports every month that provide data on how much money you made (and by “made”, I mean actually collected from clients) compared to how much went out the door in expenses. By staying on top of your changing revenue stream, you can more accurately estimate how much you owe in taxes. You can also adjust your rates if you find that you’re not making enough to stay up on payments.

3. Mark Your Calendar

In some countries, taxes are owed to the government quarterly. In others, you only have to pay once a year. In my opinion, neither option is ideal as it can lead to a more lax attitude about saving up enough money to make payments on time.

Instead, I would suggest you mark your calendar once a month. Even if you don’t want to go through the hassle of submitting payments to the government every 30 days, you can at least do your calculations and put that money aside in a dedicated account. The dedicated account is crucial as it keeps that taxed income safe from other expenses and ensures you don’t have to face any late payment penalties later on.

4. Use Accounting Software to Automate

Hiring an accountant can be quite expensive, even if you only retain their services during tax season. Thankfully, accounting software can automate a lot of the work an accountant would otherwise do for you. It will also spare you the trouble of having to manually keep track of your finances on a regular basis.

Of course, you’ll still have to file your own taxes, but accounting software will:

  • Pull in data about business-related transactions (income and expenses);
  • Categorize those transactions for easier filing of taxes;
  • Estimate tax payments based on your earnings/losses for the month/quarter/year;
  • Alert you to upcoming tax deadlines.

Some accounting software may even integrate with your tax software, so the uploading of the year’s financial information can be streamlined as well.

Wrapping Up

It doesn’t matter if you’re working full-time or part-time as a web designer. If you’ve earned revenue for your business, and it exceeds the minimum taxable amount defined by your government, then you have to pay taxes. The matter of taxes can get complicated, though, if you wait too long to handle them, so have a plan in place that allows you to prepare for tax payments all year long.


Featured image via Depositphotos.

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from Webdesigner Depot

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Mailchimp Unveils Quirky Rebrand

If any single tech company embodies the spirit of web-savvy, then it is Mailchimp. Since its beginnings as a side-project in the early-2000s the marketing service has walked the line between creative experiences, and simple usability. Mailchimp is one of those companies that saunters onto the court, lobs a shot over its shoulder, and gets nothing but net.

Now, with their latest rebrand courtesy of brand agency Collins (as ever, alongside an in-house team) Mailchimp has got almost everything right. Almost.

Chimp lovers will be relieved to discover that Freddie has survived the rebrand, and remains as the logomark, albeit redrawn in a simpler form. He’s lost his “M”, a bit of fur’s gone, the ear’s simpler. Essentially Freddie is more usable, more translatable, more international.

The most visually arresting element of the rebrand is the new brand color. Yellow is tough to design with, but it’s by far the most satisfying color when it’s got right, which in this case it is. It is used to tie the whole identity together in a way that wouldn’t work with anything less bold.

The most interesting—not necessarily in a good way—decision has been to abandon Jessica Hische’s much-loved redrawing of the original Mailchimp script. It’s been replaced with an oddly proportioned, retro-feel sans that lacks rhythm, and the syllables of which are crowbarred apart by an obnoxious “c”; strange given that the brand is keen to deemphasise that letter—it’s “Mailchimp” now, not “MailChimp”. There’s a half-baked explanation offered about the script’s incompatibility with the Freddie logomark. Initially I hated the new logotype; a hour later, I loved it; now I’m back to hating it again. The logotype seems destined to divide opinion, but at least it isn’t a geometric sans-serif.

Coupled with this logotype Mailchimp has adopted Cooper Light as its corporate typeface, giving everything a distinctly 1970s feel.

It’s not really any surprise that Mailchimp have labored to retain their quirky edge, it is after all what made them stand out (they have “chimp” in their name!) but what might come as a surprise is just how quirky Mailchimp have gone, particularly with their illustrations, which lie somewhere between Dr Seuss, and Quentin Blake, by way of Tove Jansson. The black and white illustrations with a strategic touch of brand yellow are sourced from illustrators around the world. (Although individual illustrators haven’t been name-checked, several appear to be in the distinctive hand of Amber Vittoria.)

Mailchimp have also introduced a brand photography style, that is easy to overlook amidst the joyful illustration. The photo examples themselves are well-taken, but their inclusion feels superfluous.

The rebrand is mostly excellent. The quirkiness is courageous and fitting. The color choice is striking. The type is debatable. The photography is questionable. But the whole is nothing if not fun. The biggest success is that despite growth—over 1 billion emails per day, 14,000 new users daily, $525m annual revenue—Mailchimp hasn’t lost sight of what made it a tool we wanted to use in the first place.

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from Webdesigner Depot

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Grid Vs Flexbox: Which Should You Choose?

CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox are complimentary web layout technologies that have been hotly anticipated for years. However, despite some superficial similarities they are actually used for very different tasks; they each solve a very different set of problems.

In an ideal scenario, you may find that you employ both for different layout tasks. In this post we’ll look at their differences, look at how they solve various layout problems, and help you choose which (if either) is the right solution for your problem.

Grid is Container-Based, Flexbox is Content-Based

In flexbox layout, the size of a cell (flex-item) is defined inside the flex-item itself, and in the grid layout, the size of a cell (grid-item) is defined inside the grid-container.


Let’s look at an example, here’s the HTML to create a row of elements:

<div class="row">

And we style this using flexbox like so:

.row {
    margin: 20px auto;
    max-width: 300px;
    display: flex;
.row > div {
    border: 1px dashed gray;
    flex: 1 1 auto; /* Size of items defined inside items */
    text-align: center;
    padding: 12px;

We defined the size of the cells inside the flex-item by setting flex: 1 1 auto;. The flex property is shorthand to set flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis properties in one statement; its default value is 0 1 auto. Notice the “row” div is the flex-container, and we don’t set the size of the items there. We set the size inside the flex-item.

When previewed in a browser we get a row of boxes, as you would expect:

Now let’s see how we can generate the same output using grid:

.row {
    margin: 20px auto;
    max-width: 300px;
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr; /* Size of items defined inside container */
.row div {
    border: 1px dashed gray;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 12px;

Above code will give us exactly the same output.

Notice, now we are defining the cell’s size using grid-template-columns inside the grid-container (.row), not the grid-item.

This is an important difference. It shows that the flexbox layout is calculated after its content is loaded whereas the grid layout is calculated regardless of the content inside it. So, if possible, avoid using flexbox to build the overall layout of your website.

Grid Has a “Gap” Property, Flexbox Doesn’t

You can argue that a major difference between flexbox and grid is that in the latter we can create gutters between grid-items using grid-column-gap, like so:

In order to achieve the same result in flexbox we would have to use padding and nested containers, or increase the width of the flex-container and use the justify-content property to spread the flex-items.

We have to take a circuitous route in flexbox because it doesn’t have a gap property. However, it is on the way; the CSS Box Alignment Module 3 contains CSS features relating to alignment of boxes in all layout modes: block layout, table layout, flex layout, and grid layout. The Box Alignment module collects properties from flexbox, grid, and multi-column which can be used consistently across all the layout models. Eventually we’ll be able to add gaps with row-gap and column-gap properties, but not yet.

Flexbox is One Dimensional, Grid is Two Dimensional

We’ve been arranging elements as rows and columns on the web since we used tables for layout. Both flexbox and grid are based on this concept. Flexbox is best for arranging elements in either a single row, or a single column. Grid is best for arranging elements in multiple rows and columns.

In other words, Flexbox is one dimensional, and Grid is two dimensional. Let’s look at a commonly used one dimensional layout – the social share buttons:

All the elements are in a single row. We can implement this using Flexbox like this:

<ul class="social-icons">
  <li><a href="#"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="#"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="#"><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="#"><i class="fab fa-github"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="#"><i class="fas fa-envelope"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="#"><i class="fas fa-rss"></i></a></li>

.social-icons {
  display: flex;
  list-style: none;
  justify-content: space-around;

The justify-content property determines how the extra space of the flex-container is distributed to the flex-items. The space-around value distributes the space in such a way that the flex-items get placed evenly with equal amount of space around them.

Next, let’s take a look at a commonly used 2-dimensional layout:

We can’t implement this layout with a single row or a single column, we need multiple rows and columns to do that, and that’s where we use CSS Grids. Let’s make it using CSS Grid:

<div class="container">

and the CSS:

.container {
  max-width: 800px;
  margin: 2em auto;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: repeat(3,auto);
  grid-gap: 1rem;

.container header {
  grid-area: 1/1/2/3;

.container main {
  grid-area: 2/1/3/2;

.container aside {
  grid-area: 2/2/3/3;

.container footer {
  grid-area: 3/1/4/3;

.container > * {
  background-color: #ddd;
  padding: 1rem;

We are creating two columns using the grid-template-columns property, and three rows using grid-template-rows property. The repeat() function creates 3 rows with auto height.

Then, inside the grid-items (header, main, aside, and footer) we define how much area those grid-items will cover using the grid-area property.

Flexbox Wraps vs Grid Wraps

When the total width of items inside the container is greater than the width of the container, in that case both the layout models have the option to wrap the items to a new row. However, the way both handle wrapping is different.

Let’s look at that difference by building an sample layout. Create two rows and place 6 divs inside each row:

<div class="row-flex">
    <div>1 2 3  4 5 6 7 8 9 0</div>
<div class="row-grid">
    <div>1 2 3  4 5 6 7 8 9 0</div>

Now, we will use Flexbox to layout the first row and Grid for second:

/* Flexbox row styles */
.row-flex {
  margin: 40px auto;
  max-width: 600px;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.row-flex div {
  border: 1px dashed gray;
  flex: 1 1 100px;
  text-align: center;
  padding: 12px;
/* Grid row styles */
.row-grid {
  margin: 40px auto;
  max-width: 600px;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(100px, 1fr));
.row-grid div {
  border: 1px dashed gray;
  text-align: center;
  padding: 12px;

For the first row, we are using flex: 1 1 100px to give the flex-items a base width of 100px and allow it to grow and shrink.

We are also enabling wrapping of flex-items inside the flex-container by setting the flex-wrap property to wrap, its default value is nowrap.

For the second row, we are using the grid-template-columns property to create columns with minimum width 100px set by the minmax() function. We are using repeat() function to create columns repeatedly.

You can see the beauty of Grid and Flexbox lies in the ability to stretch and squeeze the items based on the amount of space available. Flexbox achieves this using flex-grow and flex-shrink properties, and Grid achieves this using a combination of minmax and auto-fill functions inside the grid-template-columns property.

However, look carefully at the cell 5 and cell 6 as they are pushed down. In the case of Flexbox, the cell 5 and 6 are not the same size as other cells when pushed down. While in case of Grid, they retain the same size as all other cells in the grid.

This happens because when a flex-item is wrapped and pushed in a new row, the Flexbox layout algorithm treats it as a part of a different flex-container. Hence the pushed item loses its context.

This behavior could be used in some use cases, for example, an email subscriber form:

Let’s build this subscriber form:

<div class="subscriber-form-container">
    <input type="email" placeholder="Email Address">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Name">
    <input type="submit" value="Subscribe">

and give it some styles in our CSS:

.subscriber-form-container {
  max-width: 650px;
  margin: 40px auto;
  border: 1px dashed gray;
  box-sizing: border-box;
.subscriber-form-container form {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
.subscriber-form-container form input {
  margin: 6px;
  padding: 0.4rem;
  box-sizing: border-box;
.subscriber-form-container form input{
  flex: 1 1 150px;
.subscriber-form-container form input[type="email"] {
  flex: 2 1 300px;

The flex property is the shorthand for three properties: flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis. We want the width of the “email” field to be double the width of other two input elements, and we achieve this by using its “flex-grow” and “flex-basis”.

The “flex-grow” property of input elements is set to “1”, but that of email input element is set to 2. So, when there is extra space available, the email input element will grow twice compared to other input elements.

Flexbox outperforms Grid in this use case. Yes, you could use some hack to get CSS Grid replicate this behavior using minmax() function, but Flexbox is well-suited for this kind of single dimensional layouts.

However, if you want a multi-dimensional layout with the wrapped elements maintaining their widths, for example, an image gallery, then Grid is the best choice:

One more thing, did you notice we are not using any media queries here. That’s because Flexbox and Grid layouts are built on concept of responsiveness and hence reduce the use of Media Queries.

Will CSS Grid make Flexbox Obsolete in the Future?

Absolutely not.

In fact, that’s what this article was about. CSS grid and Flexbox, both are designed to solve a different set of problems.

Currently, CSS Grid doesn’t have enough support across the browsers to make production ready websites. The general rule of thumb I use is that a feature must cover more than 95% of global usage. Only then I use that feature in real websites. Currently, Flexbox covers 95% of global usage, and Grid covers 87% of global usage.

Soon Grid will also get good support among the browsers, and we will use a mix of Grids and Flexboxes to make amazing website layouts that previously weren’t possible.


Featured image via DepositPhotos.

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from Webdesigner Depot

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

10 Reasons Why You Will Never Let Placeit Go

Placeit offers thousands of smart templates which you can customize by simply clicking a few options, while still keeping a professional layout. You won’t have to worry about resolution, dimensions or proportions. We promise your designs will always look sharp since there’s no way you can mess it up.

The Brilliance of Web Designing

1. It’s as Easy as Breathing

Anyone can design, even you. Yes, you! Don’t trust us? Give it a try.

2. It’s so Fast You’ll Think You Just Missed It

It’s like watching a movie, the hard part is choosing which one, after that you just have to enjoy. You can play with all of Placeit’s smart templates before deciding which design suits your brand the best.

3. Get Yourself an Original Design

You can customize each template as much as you want to ensure you get an original design. From choosing your brand’s color, to uploading a custom image or selecting a graphic that represents who you are, Placeit lets you create unique content that speaks for you.

4. You Can Do It All on Your Own

If you’re not a designer, there’s no need to hire one, Placeit designs for you, allowing you to create amazing visuals without needing the skills and expertise. And if you’re a designer, you’ll be saving golden time!

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Is your app available for iPhone and iPad? Showcase it on a mockup that highlights its best features on both devices! Placeit has hundreds of mockups of multiple devices so you can promote your apps and responsive websites like the pros.

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Using a Logo Generator for Your Brand

How does it work? Very simple, Placeit’s logo maker is a lifesaver, you can choose a specific niche for your logo or use them all.

All you need to do is type the name of your brand and… voilá! Have a look at a full library of logo opportunities for your brand’s name.

Once you find the one that is perfect for you, then you can further customize it. You can change the graphics, colors, fonts and in some cases, even the layout!

Design Core Branding Assets in Seconds!

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And there’s so much more added every day! Visit Placeit to discover all the new templates you can customize and download today!


[– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Placeit –]

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